To roast a banana, you place it unpeeled on a baking sheet and bake it for 20-30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Mine took about 20 minutes. You'll know when it's done when the peel turns completely black and it starts leaking its juices.
Like this:
Let it cool a bit and then using a sharp knife, cut down the peel and the banana, along with its juices will fall right out. It looked a little gross, I must admit but I just added it to a cooked bowl of plain oatmeal and stirred. The flavor was definitely sweet and it was fun eating a banana in a different way, but I've had organic bananas that were sweeter. So I think next time I will experiment and see if a roasted organic banana is noticeably sweeter than any other banana I've had in the past.
FYI: Be sure to run some water on your baking sheet right away or the sticky juices will be hard to scrub off!